Student doesn’t write good deed on resume

Breaking barriers: student does good deed, refuses to add to resume

Aaron Myrose


Under pressure to write a resume that stands apart from the crowd, students at Augustana eagerly embrace the challenge of gaining skills they believe give them an edge.

Senior Emily Wissink has added squirrel nurturing experience to her resume.

“Taking care of the squirrel population is a need that’s gone unnoticed on campus until now,” Wissink said. “It only takes a moment to share a scrap of bread with these furry creatures.”

Wissink’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. The Augie Squirrel followers on Twitter are applauding Wissink, even presenting her with an award, hailing her as the recipient of the “2017 Squirrel Preservation Activist” award. Whether or not they will continue to nominate people for this honor is unknown.

Next on Wissink’s list is protecting the squirrels’ habitat on campus, an initiative she’s hoping Augie Green will get behind.

Junior Marcus Asmus has taken it upon himself to keep every clock in Humanities on time. Sometimes he has to readjust the same clocks multiple times per week. The task has become so time-consuming, it’s turned into an unpaid internship­—a fine addition on any resume.

“I know the clocks are a big inconvenience to everyone in Humanities,” said Asmus. “Plus I knew this type of dedication to the welfare of all Humanities students wouldn’t go unnoticed when applying for jobs.”

The Student Success Center reports its seeing everything from “regularly recycles paper” to “occasionally eats vegetables” on resumes. Even if this doesn’t demonstrate abilities within a career field, it does speak to character, said director Billie Streufert.

“Anytime I can help a student identify where their passions are, even if that might be the decision to sometimes eat healthier, I’m helping them take a step in the right direction,” Streufert said.

But contrary to campus rumors that students only do good deeds to put them on paper, senior Katie Romano is still holding doors open.

“This one simple act can really make someone’s day,” Romano said. “When you hold a door open, it not only says you care deeply about that individual’s well-being, but also that you’re willing to take three seconds out of your own day.”

But this behavior has also resulted in negative consequences for Romano. Since she can’t find it in her heart to hold doors for just one person, she sometimes stands outside the Commons or Humanities buildings for so long, she’s late for class or misses lunch.

“It has come with some physical repercussions, like starvation,” Romano said, “but in the long term, just think about how many people you’re impacting.”