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The day Darth Vader came to Augustana
James Earl Jones, award-winning actor and eternally known as the voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa, died on Sept. 9. On Oct. 20, 2000, Jones spoke to an audience of some 280 students, faculty and staff in the recently opened Mortenson Theatre at Augustana. This is the story of that

New duo to head ASA
What made you want to run for presidency and vice presidency?
Teller: I was inspired to run because I’ve been passionate about being involved in ASA, and I’ve really noticed a lack of connection among ASA, the student body and administration. What pushed me to consider running was

Campus area sees increase in crime this spring
Warmer spring weather has prompted an uptick in crime and suspicious activity in the campus area, as April witnessed a break-in, strangers knocking on doors and a man masturbating in parking lots.
On April 13, an unknown male subject broke into an off-campus residence that several female Augustana students live