Advice to freshmen from seniors

Advice to freshmen from seniors
A group of students walk across campus at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Photo by Sydney Denekamp.

With close to a record breaking amount of freshmen on campus this year, here is what some Augustana seniors would wish they could tell their freshman selves.

Sara Alhasnawi, ASA president and biochemistry and Spanish double major

“Looking back at my freshman self, I would have encouraged myself to go to more campus events, to branch out a little more, and find people outside of my major. I would have also said that I needed to set a schedule so I could get school work done in a timely manner.”

Laura Johnson, anthropology and journalism double major

“Be confident in what you are interested in and pursue it to the fullest extent.”

Marcus Naess, computer science and art double major

“Separate the time you study from the time you have fun. In my freshman and sophomore years, I would sometimes try to have fun and then study in between. If I were going to go over to a friend’s to hang out, I would sometimes bring my homework which doesn’t work because you get distracted. I’ve learned that now if I just go to the library and finish all of my work and then have fun, it is way easier.”

Barsha Shah, art and psychology double major

“You can’t fix everything. It’s okay to just lay back and enjoy things a bit.”

Jose Cruz Medina, sociology, psychology and language, literature and cultures triple major

“Take it easy and have more fun. As I look back, I would have benefited from saying no to a couple of commitments. I don’t regret being as involved as I was, but I did deserve a break from doing so much.”

Lily Blechinger, biology major

“Don’t worry so much about grades. Take time to really enjoy the experience of learning and meeting new people.”

Tsegab Arega, ASA vice-president and sociology and government double major

“Don’t let stereotypes define who you are. You’re strong, intelligent, beautiful, empathetic, and Black. As you get busy with work and school, please extend the grace you give others to yourself. Most importantly, know that anything that doesn’t bring joy, peace, and honor to your family and you is not worth your investment. Girl, you have already done what people thought you could not do. Trust me, the little Black girl that you always want to make proud is already proud. Your community is behind you, cheering for you and praying for you. Your friends will become your family. Your professors and advisors will become lifetime mentors. Celebrate each time and capture each memory you make with people you call your own. Know that your future is so bright for you and others because of the path you and your friends created.”