College students should embrace new experiences

College students should embrace new experiences
Ryleigh Tupper is a second-year media studies and journalism double major. 

You only live once. 

Take that trip. Travel abroad. Do something spontaneous. At the end of the day, college might be the only time you have to take large amounts of time off. 

This past January, I had the privilege of taking the month off and spending two weeks in San Diego and two weeks in Glendale, Arizona. For the first time in my life, I spent an entire month away from home. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. 

I booked the flights at the spur of the moment in December after a phone call with my sister, who lives in San Diego. What initially started out as her jokingly asking if I wanted to come spend time watching my niece and nephew turned into reality rather quickly. 

College is the perfect time to travel because our schedules can be flexible. Yes, it may involve missing some classes or making a couple of sacrifices, but at the same time, it is well worth it. 

I sit back and look at the things I missed because I didn’t take the opportunity, and I get bummed out. Sometimes a spontaneous trip is all one needs to escape from the daily stresses of college life. 

While people may be jealous of what you are doing, they shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dream. My family told me on multiple occasions that, while they were jealous I got the opportunity to take a month off from my daily life, they were happy for me. Once you graduate college and move into the workforce, taking a month of vacation may be nearly impossible. 

I understand money is also a factor in many people’s decision. All I can say is do what you are most comfortable with. I worried endlessly about taking a month off and having no source of income, but looking back, I made some amazing memories and friends that were worth more than the amount of money I may have earned. Money can be earned back, but those experiences and memories can’t be. 

Take out that loan. Drop that class. Do something spontaneous and in the moment and don’t look back. You don’t have to feel bad for wanting to do something for yourself. If it means that you are going to be happy, by all means go ahead and do it, but don’t let someone else hold you back. This is your life to live. 

I wouldn’t trade my decision for anything. I got to see my sister and her family for two weeks while enjoying the nice winter weather of San Diego. I had the privilege to make memories with my niece and nephew, who are still babies in my eyes — even if they are 1 and 3 years old. I was able to be a part of their lives for two whole weeks and watch them grow as individuals, learning the ways of life. 

Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you love or fulfilling a dream. College is the perfect time to take advantage of the opportunities to travel and see the world.