Dining services to relocate for the summer

Dining services to relocate for the summer
Augustana students eat lunch in the Ordal Dining Hall on May 1. Photo by Nora Winckler.

Dining will look a little different for students living on campus this summer, as the Morrison Commons are set to undergo renovations.

The dining hall will be temporarily relocated to Midco Arena, along with SubConnection. Chick-fil-A will be closed during the summer, and Starbucks’ relocation and availability has not yet been solidified.

Damian Lewis, general manager of Sodexo, said Midco Arena was chosen for its size, infrastructure and its proximity to summer housing. 

“We plan to offer SubConnection, grab-and-go and convenience store items, as well as a nightly entree,” Lewis said. 

Additionally, Lewis said Starbucks will be offered in Midco Arena as long as electrical and plumbing can be secured. 

Whitney Jibben, director of housing and dining operations, said a few items will need to move over to the arena, like the espresso machine from Starbucks, but most of what dining operations would require is already in Midco Arena. 

“We wanted to be able to provide as many of the same opportunities for meals as we do during the school year,” Jibben said. 

Lewis said he expects the format to be similar to summer dining in the past, but the biggest change will be the location. He said he hopes it will be a positive experience, as students and staff get to “think outside the box and try something new this summer.”

“We are planning to bring some fun into the mix with Friday-night cookouts,” Lewis said. “Each Friday night, we will highlight a different cookout-themed meal we will serve in the East parking lot of Midco.”

Some of those meals could include smash burgers on the Blackstone or traditional barbeque in the smoker, Lewis said. 

Lewis said he is most concerned with logistics but feels that he has an “amazing team of problem solvers that continually rise to the challenge.”

According to Lewis, about 200-250 students will be on campus this summer.

Sophomore Harriet Emeh said she doesn’t mind dining services moving to Midco Arena, but she “feels that Chick-fil-A should be open.”

Senior Eden Weber also said she would like to see Chick-fil-A stay open over the summer. 

“I am a little concerned about the fast food option not being available because I am not sure that the dining hall options will be the best,” Weber said. 

However, Weber said she thinks Midco Arena is nice and is looking forward to seeing how things turn out.

President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin said she believes this temporary setup will be worth it in the long run once Commons renovations are finished. 

These renovations include improvements to the HVAC system, more expansive and modern lounge areas and the addition of a main staircase. She said these changes will help the facility flow better in terms of “energy and movement.”

Additionally, there will be more places to sit, which Herseth Sandlin said is a common complaint of current students. She said the Starbucks will be moved to where the old bookstore used to be and where the C-store is now, and will feel more “open and airy.” 

According to Herseth Sandlin, construction could start early this May.