Hecht retires after 36 years at Elmen

Hecht retires after 36 years at Elmen
Hecht takes a family photo with Peyton; his wife, Carmen; Keegan and Cale during a recent Elmen Kid’s Rec Camp. Photo submitted by Carmen Hecht.

For the past 36 years, Director of Recreational Services Mark Hecht has driven to the Elmen Center, walked through the doors and greeted staff and students alike before sitting down at his desk to start the day’s tasks. On Sept. 3, 2024, Hecht completed this routine for his final time, having resigned from the position he held for most of his life. At the beginning of this school year, Logan Haak took over as director of Recreational Services. 

 Hecht began working at Augustana in August 1988 after coaching and teaching in Aurora, Nebraska, for four years. Hecht decided to apply for director of Recreational Services after receiving a call from Bill Gross, former Augustana athletic director and men’s basketball coach, urging him to interview. 

“I loved where I was at teaching and coaching wise, and I really felt that was where God wanted me to be serving,” Hecht said. “But with that in my mind, I’d often thought I just had such a great experience at Augustana as a student, so I was certainly open to the idea.” 

When Hecht started, the Elmen Center was six months from construction completion, and Hecht, along with Jim Bies, former dean of students, saw an opportunity to exponentially grow recreational and intramural services for students. 

Haak said Hecht’s legacy is evident in how the Elmen Center is utilized. According to Haak,  Hecht found every way to use the Elmen Center to its fullest capacity. 

Junior Brooklyn Townsend, Learn to Swim coordinator and yoga sculpt instructor, has worked at the Elmen since her freshman year. Townsend credits Hecht with developing Recreational Services into what it is today. 

“There’s honestly no downplaying the amount of work that he put into it, and so, when you look at everything that the leadership staff now are able to provide for people, you always have to think back that that was Mark who started it all,” Townsend said. 

Hecht said the director of Recreational Services position consists of two main responsibilities: managing the Elmen Center facilities and recreational and intramural programming. Hecht said he was responsible for coordinating the usage of the courts and other spaces in the Elmen Center with various offices and organizations around campus. 

Hecht gives special thanks to Jim Tirrel, the director of housekeeping and custodial staff, and custodians for their help maintaining the Elmen.  

“I think it’s easy for us to forget that at Augustana, we can have all these folks and we can do all these programs and have all these facilities, but none of that can happen without those folks that come in and clean up,” Hecht said. “Sometimes they’re cleaning up stuff that clearly is not any fun to clean up.”

According to Hecht, programming includes negotiating contracts with vendors, managing student workers and developing and executing Late Night events. When Hecht started at Augustana, he managed a staff of 24 students. Student staff numbers have grown to 140 over his time at Augustana. 

“The student staff part was without a doubt the highlight, the part I enjoyed the most,” Hecht said. “It’s what kept me here for 36 years.”

Hecht said he enjoys witnessing students’ communication, leadership and conflict resolution skills develop from their freshman year. 

Senior Peter Kahnke, a building supervisor and team leader, has worked at the Elmen since the second semester of his freshman year.  Kahnke said Hecht’s emphasis on personal development had a big impact on him. The constructive feedback, guidance and one-on-one meetings Hecht offered helped Kahnke prepare for his future, he said. 

“I would never have really imagined myself as someone who could lead people or have that responsibility put on to me, but he really showed me that this is something I’m capable of and that’s something I can be good at,” Kahnke said. 

Additionally, Hecht considers the Learn to Swim program, which provides swimming lessons to the Sioux Falls community, one of the most important achievements throughout his time.  

“It serves the Sioux Falls community so well, provides job opportunities for students here on campus and is a major, major part of funding for all that we do Rec Services wise,” Hecht said. 

Hecht also said he is proud of the development of the Late Night events. Hecht said the Elmen staff struggled through the first couple years of Late Nights, but because they believed in the programming, Late Nights have become an impactful part of campus life. 

Cooper Benning ‘23, a former Recreational Services student employee, said that Hecht never settled for the status quo when planning programming opportunities. 

“Mark was always looking for ways to improve the recreational services, continually evaluating and refining the programs offered to the campus,” Benning said. “He was deeply committed to providing the best possible experience for everyone involved.”

When reflecting on his time as director, Hecht said he has tried to lead with a “people first” mentality. Instead of focusing on computer and office work, Hecht said he made time to check on student workers throughout the day.

“It’s being present and being available and that’s where life happens, and it’s where you can really make connections and develop relationships and serve people,” Hecht said. 

Abbie (Blank-Libra) Noordsy ‘16 said as she has started her career, she has found herself prioritizing relationships due to her time working with Hecht. 

“He was the type of leader to put relationships first, which allowed him to connect with his staff on a more meaningful level,” Noordsy said. “Because of this, we all had a huge amount of respect for him and wanted to reach and exceed the high expectations he set for us.”

A young Mark Hecht poses for a photo with his three children: Keegan (6), Cale (3) and Peyton (5). Photo submitted by Carmen Hecht.

Hecht said the thing that kept him at Augustana for 36 years is the same thing inspiring him to start a new career: the Lord. Hecht is now the associate pastor of discipleship at Faith Baptist Fellowship church in Sioux Falls. 

“I have felt that ministry is caring and serving people, and I feel like that’s something God’s given me the opportunity to do here and now, once again, it’s just in a different setting,” Hecht said. 

Hecht said he is at peace with this transition due in part to the number of people who have shown support for him and because he will still take advantage of facility services and participate in intramural events. 

Haak, the new director of Recreational Services, said he wants to preserve the legacy that Hecht left while adapting the role to suit his own strengths.

“Mark did an excellent job of giving me the kind of tools that I would need in order to take over,” Haak said. 

Hecht is excited for Haak to step into the director of Recreational Services role. 

“He’s got such a strong work ethic,” Hecht said. “He’s really committed to the Augustana students and their experiences, and he’s really committed to the Rec Service’s mission and values” 

Townsend said she believes Haak fits the role perfectly. 

“He’s just such a caring person to where you feel like you need to do your best to help out with whatever you can,” Townsend said.