Joel Johnson transitions from interim to provost position

Joel Johnson transitions from interim to provost position
Joel Johnson, new Augustana provost.

After 16 months as interim provost, Joel Johnson will continue his work in a more permanent position as Augustana’s new provost.

“To be put in a position where I am overseeing the whole academic enterprise and student affairs is sometimes mind boggling to me,” Johnson said. “I commit to doing the best work I can in all of that, but I also understand it is a big responsibility, so to get to the point where you realize you've done good work and the work should continue in this way is really gratifying.”

Johnson’s appointment was announced to faculty at their most recent meeting on Oct. 2 and to the greater Augustana community through an email from President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin on the morning of Oct. 7, but this decision was years in the making.

Herseth Sandlin began having conversations with deans and division chairs to see what faculty member would be best suited to take over as provost in preparation for former provost Colin Irvine’s departure. Irvine became the president of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota in the summer of 2023.

Herseth Sandlin said Johnson’s time teaching and acting as chair of the social science division and the Government and International Affairs Department helped Johnson build relationships with faculty. His work on the steering committee for academic affairs – which assisted in creating Augustana's Viking Bold strategic plan – and as co-chair for the Academics Working Group – that crafted the Viking Flex curriculum changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – made him stand out as a potential provost, Herseth Sandlin said.

“He knows Augustana so well and understands what differentiates Lutheran higher education as a Gustavus graduate,” Herseth Sandlin said. “He understands the why behind our strategic plan and the importance of focusing on innovation in teaching and learning.”

Johnson was chosen for a two-year appointment to create stability within administration after a period of high turnover in the position, Herseth Sandlin said.

Johnson said the role is challenging but rewarding.

“While I miss the classroom, I miss being right there with students in the class, I feel like I'm really at the heart of the academic enterprise, and I can see the work that I do having an impact on lots of different areas of academics and student life,” Johnson said. “That's the consolation.”

During his time as interim provost, Johnson said he has enjoyed learning about various academic disciplines and student life to better see the university as a whole. In particular, Johnson said he found learning about accreditation and building new academic programs gratifying.

“These are exhilarating moments when we see ideas turned into implementation that serve the needs of students or the community,” Johnson said.

Johnson said one of the best parts of his job is his involvement in the hiring process for major roles at Augustana. Johnson sees Augustana’s success as rooted in people, who he now helps recruit and appoint.

After 16 months of serving as assistant provost and numerous conversations between Herseth Sandlin, executive directors, faculty and Johnson, Herseth Sandlin said this was the right time to announce Johnson as provost.

“Now is the time for stability, someone that the faculty in particular knew, respected and trusted, rather than undertaking a national search which can be costly, which can be disruptive, which, yes, can identify some other folks across the country, but they would need time to come in and develop relationships, and that seemed disruptive,” Herseth Sandlin said.

Herseth Sandlin said she was confident in sticking with Johnson because of his ability to balance advocating for student interests and working with executive directors, faculty and alumni.

“It's just how he seamlessly worked with so many different constituencies because of his style,” Herseth Sandlin said. “It's very measured. He is unflappable. He does listen well and then goes and gathers more information, and he is responsive and decisive.”

Senior Annie Johnston, who has worked with Johnson in her role as president of the Augustana Student Association, said she is “thrilled” Johnson gets the opportunity to serve as provost.

“He is efficient, has great leadership qualities, and he has that connection with the student body as a professor, so I think he knows what student life when it comes to academics looks like and how [students] respond to it,” Johnston said.

Johnson said his vision is to help Augustana continue to adapt to the 21st century and the needs of the growing and changing Sioux Falls community.

“It requires us to really look carefully at everything that we do as an institution so that we are focusing on what is truly important, so that we are delivering an education that is affordable and accessible to students that brings forward all of the best that has been learned, said and done before and also looks over the horizon and gives our students the ability to adapt because this is an uncertain world,” Johnson said.